Light Sentinels, crafted by the Australian-based creative team Skunk Control, consists of 10 towering (16–20 feet) kinetic flower-based sculptures. These sculptures captivate viewers by dynamically unfurling and closing their petals, projecting vibrant and continually evolving colored light shadows over the surrounding landscape. Skunk Control is the 2024 award recipient for Waterville Creates’ Call for Proposals…
Two Cent Talks: Lauren Saxon and Emerson Whitney Emerson Whitney is the author of Daddy Boy (McSweeney’s 2023), Heaven (McSweeney’s 2020), and the poetry title, Ghost Box (Timeless Infinite Light, 2014). Emerson’s work has appeared in The Paris Review, New York Magazine, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and elsewhere. Kirkus, in a starred review, called Heaven “An incisive, nuanced inquiry into gender and…
The Internet’s Underwear: Bern Porter, Mail Art, & The Eternal Network A Show-and-Tell by SHEILA HOLTZ & SCOTT HUG Take off the clothing of the 21st Century World Wide Web and what do you find? Its foundational garment – the Mail Art movement of the 1960s, ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. This cultural phenomenon has been…
See what students created during the Trash to Art: Upcycled Sculptural Installation JanPlan course taught by Kim Bernard. In this class, students work as a creative and collaborative team to transform plastic trash into an upcycled public sculpture to be installed temporarily on the Colby campus. The student cohort will collectively determine an environmental concern…
Learn about the process of turning trash into public art from students in the JanPlan class Trash to Art: Upcycled Sculptural Installation, taught by Kim Bernard. In this class, students work as a creative and collaborative team to transform plastic trash into an upcycled public sculpture to be installed temporarily on the Colby campus. The…
Beets and Letters is a performance centered around food, grief, and community. During the performance, the artist will offer freshly steamed beets, homemade halva, fresh hot tea, and letters from a wheeled cart for guests’ consumption. Letters written by Iranian authors for lost loved ones will be performed for any individual who orders food. Golaleh…
Come one, come all! Make art! Tell your story! Create hand-printed flags, posters, and story totems with stamping, relief printing, and collage with artists Elizabeth Jabar and Colleen Kinsella from Future Mothers artist collective! This workshop is part of Waterville Creates Common Threads project. Follow the link for more information on the project + the…
Beets and Letters is a performance centered around food, grief, and community. During the performance, the artist will offer freshly steamed beets, homemade halva, fresh hot tea, and letters from a wheeled cart for guests’ consumption. Letters written by Iranian authors for lost loved ones will be performed for any individual who orders food. Golaleh…
In conjunction with National Garden Week (June 6-12, 2021), Waterville Creates announces the Sunflower Project, a collaborative community-wide initiative designed to engage everyone from novice gardeners to experienced horticulturists in creating moments of sunshine in the urban landscape, feeding local birds and wildlife, and providing pollinating stations for bees. The Sunflower Project will kick off…
After a year with no in-person events at WOH, our marquee hasn’t had much to say. So, we thought we’d spice things up by inviting you to leave a message! For this fundraiser, you can leave a personalized message on our marquee for 1 week. The marquee is prominently placed on the corner of the…