Join collaborative dance makers and artists Matthew Cumbie and Jenny Ngidi-Brown to stretch and move as part of your day of movies. All ages and levels welcome.  This is a FREE event, with no registration required. For more information about the Maine International Film Festival, visit

At the Paul J. Schupf Art Center, 93 Main St: 5-7pm Spring art activities in the Creative Carts! Make your own spring card for a loved one. 7:30pm Performance- Head Over Heels- A hilarious, exuberant musical about the celebration of love, Head Over Heels follows the escapades of a royal family on an outrageous journey to…

Part of our Lunar New Year Celebration! Students and teachers from the Bangor Chinese School will present a traditional Chinese dragon dance involving a team of performers using poles to rhythmically move a dragon prop. This event is free and open to the public. No registration required. This project is supported in part by the National Endowment…

What does it mean to be of this place? What is your origin story here in Waterville? And where have you built bridges in your community? Join us for a participatory workshop to move, make, and create as we explore these questions connected to Of This Place, a performance project directed by Matthew Cumbie. In…

Led by Annie Kloppenberg and Matthew Cumbie. Break, Burn, Build is a landmark in the development of movers, makers, and performers. It’s a platform for emerging dancemakers to incubate new performance work. It’s a creative laboratory to explore and expand on ideas driven by inquiry. And it’s a celebration of rigorous work, made manifest through…

Waterville Moves is a bi-weekly, drop-in community movement class with Matthew Cumbie + Jenny Ngidi-Brown designed for people of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, and experiences with movement. Waterville Moves: All Ages is taught by Matthew Cumbie who is a choreographer and dance maker who has worked on community performance and dance projects across the country.…

Waterville Moves is a bi-weekly series that invites you to move your body, share stories, and create connections through guided movements and dance making! This class is designed specifically for parents to move with their child and can be taken as a series or a single workshop. Classes are free and open to all: no…