1968. Suburban housewife Joy (Elizabeth Banks) leads an ordinary life with her husband and daughter, but when a new pregnancy becomes life-threatening, she must navigate the all-male medical establishment unwilling to terminate her pregnancy. Her journey for a solution leads her to activists Virginia (Sigourney Weaver) and Gwen (Wunmi Mosaku), who dream of a day when all women will have access to get a safe and legal abortion, regardless of their ability to pay. Inspired by their work, Joy joins forces with them, putting every aspect of her life on the line. We know the achievements and victory of the era that director Phyllis Nagy depicts, and yet, because she and her very fine cast bring the story to such vivid, immediate life, the final moments of Call Jane are powerful with unanticipated joy”—Sheri Linden, The Hollywood Reporter.
Daily at 4:35*
*No show Sat.