One of the most-loved films of last year's Maine International Film Festival “offers a vision of compassion as a way of life”—
Hollywood Reporter. It’s the little things that count. The little things in
Every Little Thing are tiny hummingbirds—sometimes even tinier hummingbird babies—abandoned, injured and/or strayed. And director Sally Aitken’s beautiful film makes us prize them as much as their savior, Terry Masear, does. Terry lives in a beautiful, verdant house in the hills overlooking Los Angeles and devotes her life, love, and savings to these impossibly wondrous creatures, brought to her for nursing from far and (mostly) near. You don’t have to love hummingbirds, birds, animals, or even most humans to love
Every Little Thing. You just have to love life itself.
This film is eligible for the Youth Arts Access Fund.
Call the Box Office at 207.873.7000 to obtain YAAF tickets. Pay it forward! Donate to YAAF here.